
Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Spring Chalkboard

Hello all!
Well it finally feels a little like spring here even though cold weather will be back next week. I am hoping if I change my winter chalkboard to a spring message maybe it will stay for good. We sure need it. The kids are sick of being inside.
Here is my winter chalkboard:

 I did copy it from somewhere but it was pre-blogging and I can't remember where I saw it. It was a long time ago, it has been a long winter.

Here is my new spring message. Come on spring, April is almost over so it is time for you to arrive.
 I love the new message and it is fun to change my gallery wall with the seasons. I found it here.
She has amazing chalkboards. And while it takes me half a night to get mine just right after erasing and starting over a gazilion times, I am sure she just finishes hers in a few minutes. She has some great ideas and even some how-to info to make it easier.
Now the gallery wall is updated until the next season. I really love how this looks and the saying is so cute. 
Hope everyone is having a great day!

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