
Monday, June 3, 2013

Little patio updates

We had such a nice weekend, weather was great and my parents came for a last minute visit. I can't believe the kids are done with school on Wednesday! Our weather has been so up and down it doesn't feel like summer yet. I think the high for Wednesday is in the 50's, brrr.

Today was perfect though so I got some painting projects done. It finally was not raining or to windy for spray paint.

Our steps onto our patio from our kitchen were never finished, so I am happy to say that was checked off the list today. I also stained the frame of our egress window, so that looks more finished as well.
I scrubbed them with soapy water and a brush to clean them up.
Here are some before pictures:

And for the after pictures:
The steps really look nice, what a difference, they finally look finished.
I used the same stain from the patio table so this project was free. My favorite kind of projects.
Now I just need to fill that pot and landscape around the egress window, the list just keeps going.

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