
Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Red Chairs!

It is the first full week of summer vacation and the kids are at Vacation Bible School ( and they actually like this one, yay Mom!) so it is a good transition so far. It is always a challenge at the beginning because they are not used to so much free time, their schedules are usually really planned for them in school. So they get bored and then they fight. So I just have to keep the perfect balance of schedule and free time, piece of cake (I wish!). So for now we have put together our reading schedule and chores and we will see how it goes.

I am excited to share more progress on the back patio. The previously green/black chairs are now red. I love them! They are a nice punch of color and look great with the brown house. My husband picked the color, I would have gone with blue or green my favorite colors. We won't tell him how much I love the color because I will never hear the end of it.

The chairs are pretty comfortable, they just really needed a paint job. They are about 8 or 9 years old and have held up pretty well. I scrubbed them with a wire brush to get all the loose paint off, then scrubbed them with a brush and soapy water.

 Here are the after pictures:

I wish I had a before picture from this position, this new blogger is still learning. I used Rustoleum spray paint in a satin finish, the color is Heritage Red, I could only find it at Home Depot.  It is a great color not too orange or too bright, I love it!

It feels good to check one more job off the list. Now I just need to find the perfect cushions for the chairs. I have something in mind which pretty much means I won't find it. So the search continues.

Next week we are adding on to our patio (and by "we" I mean I called some concrete guys to do the job for us). I am not up for DIY concrete just yet. I can't wait until it is done, it will look so nice.
Plus the kids will be glued to the patio door all day watching the work. I should have a party and invite the neighborhood kids, there is nothing more exciting than cement trucks and a skid steer in your back yard.
Have an awesome day everyone!

Linked up over at House of Hempworths

1 comment:

  1. LOVE the red. I have been procrastinating doing this with my patio table. ugh! :)
    Thanks for much for linking up to support Habitat! Good luck and hope to see you back Thursday night.
