
Monday, July 29, 2013

Just a Little Spray Paint

Well I certainly did not plan to take two weeks off from blogging, but I guess that may happen from time to time. It has been a busy wonderful two weeks. It started out very hot here and the kids and I were at the pool and the beach and lived in the sprinklers at home. It was so fun, but not very productive. I had several painting projects I wanted to do but it was too hot. I was hoping for it to cool down but not quite to 58 degrees. This weather is crazy, it feels and looks like Fall.

Last week we spent the week at my parents cottage and it was so wonderful to regroup and have no where to go and no list of things to do.  Now back to some projects, I have a renewed energy after a nice break.

I have had this picture frame for a few years and it always stays in the same spot but the color is constantly changing. It started out a dark wood color, but after falling into the sink several times (it sits on a ledge in front of the window behind the sink) by the wind it got pretty banged up. So it went avocado green.

It never looked quite right with the gray walls, and I have been wanting more color so this is a easy place to start.

I  decided to try to Tropical Oasis spray paint by Valspar since I had some left over from another project. I liked the color much better. Now it was time to distress it.

I am so pleased with how it turned out! I love that you can see all the colors underneath. It adds just the right amount of color to my kitchen.

And I just love that quote from Julia Child. It is a perfect reminder for me to see everyday.
I found it over at Centsational girl. I love the orange and aqua!

Have you found what you are passionate about?

Partying over at: Skip to my LouUncommon Designs

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