
Monday, September 2, 2013

Backyard Games

We had so much fun at our neighborhood BBQ, it was a great way to hang out before school starts and things get really crazy. We just don't seem to see our neighbors as much when school starts and the weather starts to cool off.  I will share some pictures from the party soon. We had such a nice low key weekend, I think I am more nervous about the kids going to school than they are, I can't believe they start tomorrow. This time of year always brings back memories of getting ready for school, I can't believe it is that time already.

I wanted to share a few games I put together for the backyard to help entertain the kids at the BBQ. I got these ideas from the Family Fun magazine. I remember seeing them and thinking how fun they looked but never did them. This party was a perfect excuse to pull out the duct tape and noodles. I went to the dollar store to collect the noodles. And I have to remember if I need noodles for Labor Day weekend I need to get them in July because they were all out. It was only by luck that someone had just returned a bunch the day I went into my 3rd Dollar Tree.

First up were the hurdle jumps or soccer arches depending on how you want to use them. I went to my local True Value hardware store and picked up 3 foot, 1/2 inch dowel rods.

They were not straight as you can see, but it didn't matter. I marked off 12 inches and used a small hand saw to cut them. One end is going in the ground and the other is covered by a pool noodle, so it doesn't have to be pretty.

I pounded the rod into the ground with a mallet and then after my four year pounded a few more times just to make sure it was secure she added the noodles to the dowel rods.

We spread them around and the kids really had fun playing with them. It was such a fast and easy little project. Once I found more noodles I decided to make one more game. I didn't take pictures of how I put it together, but it was very easy also.

One tip that really helped make the circles hold better was to cut toilet paper rolls and roll them up to fit in the holes as a connector before taping them.  We then pounded 3 foot dowel rods into the ground and slid the noodles over top. We had extra noodles so the kids could throw them through the circles. They also threw footballs through them and it held up great to 16 kids playing with them.

I know some of you have already started school but our first day is tomorrow and I am pretty sad about it. I will miss them so much, it always takes a while to get used to them not being around during the day.   I do look forward to organizing the house though. It seems to slowly get out of order all summer and now I need to clean it up. Maybe I can get rid of some toys since they won't be around to stop me, ha ha ha.

I hope it is sunny tomorrow so it won't look funny that I am wearing my sunglasses all day.
Hope you had a great Labor Day Weekend! And if your kiddos are starting school I wish them and you luck!

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