
Monday, October 28, 2013

Kids Chalkboard Easel

Happy Monday everyone! I can't believe Halloween is this week! I need to buy some candy for trick or treaters. I try not to buy too early or it does not make it to Halloween.  I always seem to open a bag for just one piece and end up eating more and then my husband finds the bag and then it is all over. Sometimes I can hide it in the basement but it is always best just to wait until right before Halloween. So I think we are just about there. It should be a fun week with class parties and trick or treating.

I finished a quick little project over the weekend, it always feels good to get a little organized no matter how small the project. I love this easel, we got it at Ikea last year for the kids to draw pictures and practice letters and numbers. They use it a lot and I love that it has two sides so two kids can use it at the same time. But I really didn't like the mess of chalk and markers all mixed up together.

Here is a before, not terrible but I knew it could look better and maybe even be more functional.

kids easel - the colored door - before

So I was in Target getting some Christmas shopping done (yay me!) and I came across these cute buckets and letter stickers in the dollar section and I knew they would be perfect for the easel.

kids easel - the colored door

I added the stickers to the buckets in hopes the kids will keep things in their place. A mom can always hope. 

kids easel - the colored door

I found some fun chevron paper in my paper stash, I think I got it at Hobby Lobby. I just cut a 12"x12" piece in half and taped it to the bottom. I love how it turned out! It looks so much nicer and cleaner. It should work perfect for the child that wants to work on the white board side to just grab the bucket with the markers and then hopefully put it back when they are done.

kids easel - the colored door

It is such a little thing but it looks so much nicer when it is sitting in the kitchen all pretty.

kids easel - the colored door

What little things have you done that make a big difference?

Linked up at: The Silly PearlSuburbs MamaMy Love 2 Create

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