
Friday, March 14, 2014

Inspiration Friday

Well, I didn't mean to take so much time off but it has been great celebrating my two oldest kids birthdays. I can't believe they are 7 and 9. They are getting so old. But I refuse to admit I am getting old.
We have one party left this weekend and it is my daughters friend party. We have eight 7 year old girls coming and I am pretty sure I don't know what I have gotten myself into. My husband is trying every excuse in the book to leave during the party, NO WAY! We will both suffer through this. Maybe I am being a little dramatic. 8 screaming 7 year old girls will be fine, right?

Well onto some inspiration for this fabulous Friday.

I love this reading corner with all the gold. The artwork is so fun, especially the "Champagne is always the answer".

This screened in porch would be the perfect place to hang out and read a book.

I love navy and yellow together, what a fun room.

This laundry room looks awesome! Making our laundry room look pretty is on the short list and this one would making doing laundry a lot less like a chore. The stenciled wall looks amazing.

And finally here is a shared girls room. I love the colors and all the different patterns. My girls always talk about sharing rooms, this would be so cute.

Wish me luck this weekend. My daughter is so excited for her party, it is her first friend party.  I will be baking the last cake today, we sure have had a lot of cake in the last two weeks. I need to get to the gym!

Have a wonderful Friday!

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