
Friday, March 28, 2014

Inspiration Friday

My kids have been on Spring break this week and we have been trying to plan at least one activity a day to keep everyone from going crazy. And the weather has not been great for going outside so we have been building a lot of forts, which is always fun. It also means Mom is not as productive as I would like. Oh well their is always next week, right?

I did, however find some inspiration to share with you this week. As you can tell I am kind of craving some warmer weather and sunny places.


I love the color block drapes and blue furniture. So comfy and beachy!
the colored door
Look at this floor! How cool to paint your wood floors, especially on a porch or sunroom.

the colored door
This pergola looks so nice, perfect for a dining area.

The colored door
And here is the covered porch just behind the pergola. I love the furniture and rug, wish I had a covered porch. It looks so inviting.

the colored door
Oh, how I would love to hang out at this beach and read a book. It looks so peaceful. I am ready for warmer weather.

The colored door

Have a wonderful weekend! I hope you are getting some warm weather this weekend. They say we will warm up for the weekend but I am not holding my breath.

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