
Monday, April 14, 2014

Happy Monday!

Happy Monday! I had fully planned on having a new project to show you today but after a project fail and the weather being uncooperative to take any pictures that just didn't happen. So instead I will show you some projects from a few other awesome bloggers.

Tracy over at Right up my Alley made this sunburst mirror and bar cart. They are both amazing! I love this green, I need to find someway to get some green in my house. She did such a nice job.
Right up my Alley

Sarah at Thrifty Decor Chick revealed her closet makeover and it looks amazing! She is so talented.

Thrifty Decor Chick

Jen at Tatertots and Jello has a great free printable that is a great reminder when things always seem so busy.

Tatertots and Jello
Young House Love finished their nursery and it looks amazing. They are so talented! And again with the green I love it!

Young House Love

Amy at The Idea Room revealed her office makeover and it is beautiful. You seriously have to check it out. It is attractive and functional which is not alway easy to pull off.

The Idea Room

Emily at Jones Design Company painted the coolest wall in her kids bathroom. It turned out awesome, I wish I could paint like that!

Jones Design Company

There is so much inspiration floating around blogland. I could spend hours reading blogs and stare in awe what talented bloggers do in their homes. It makes me feel like maybe someday I too can create amazing spaces...maybe. I hope you enjoyed and maybe found a new blog to follow, it is always fun to find a new blog.

Have a Fantastic day!!

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