
Friday, April 18, 2014

Inspiration Friday

I hope you have all had a great week. I have had lots of projects floating around in my head but have had a hard time getting focussed and actually doing them. I have been feeling scattered. Do you ever feel that way? I need to just pick one and finish it. Seems easy but I seem to start something and then move onto the next, so I have lots of started projects.
My poor laundry room has been covered in paint swatches since the fall, yikes! But I did finally pick a color! Maybe I will paint it soon. I hope your week has been more productive.

Well onto some inspiration!

I am loving all the plank walls I see out there. Not sure I have a place in my home but they sure are fun to look at.

Carrie from Lovely etc made the most beautiful colored plank wall. It turned out amazing, I love her color choices. 

Lovely etc.
I love this artwork! It is actually made with fabric, what a fun project.

This room looks so cozy, I love the blues and greens.

This bedroom looks so fun. I think I need some pink in my bedroom, not sure how that will go over with the hubs. Maybe if I start small he won't notice..yeah right.

Have a wonderful Easter Weekend! We are looking forward to some family time and maybe a project or two. It is supposed to be warm enough to enjoy outside, I hope they are right.

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