
Friday, April 25, 2014

Inspiration Friday

Well I don't know about you but we have had lots of April showers so I hope it really does bring May flowers and warm weather. We are getting ready for our neighborhood garage sale next weekend and I still have LOTS to do. I am determined to get rid of the things we are not using.  I have a tendency to hang onto things just in case I need it or want it later. Not this time, it all goes. I have lots of work ahead of me.

I have put together some fun inspiration for to enjoy. First up is the awesome office remodel. I love the colors and all the space, so jealous. You have to check out the rest of the space.


Look at these ribbon chandeliers! What a fun idea for entertaining, especially a wedding.

This pictures makes me wish I had a covered porch, what a great cozy space.


Jessica's whole house is so fun to tour. I love her mantle!

Living the swell Life
And finally this bedroom really caught my eye. I love the colors! Greens, blues and a little red, that is right up my alley.

I hope you enjoyed and were inspired!

Have a wonderful weekend! I have a feeling I will be spending mine in the basement pricing bins and bins of clothes. But it will feel so good to get rid of all the stuff.

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