Our summer is flying by and I have not done a lot of projects around here, and I feel like I have been busy too. It is so much harder keeping up with the house when 3 three kids are constantly destroying it. Plus it is way more fun to play outside or go to the pool than clean and do laundry. I am sure it will all get done in September, right?
One project I did get done was my front door address. A few years ago I put our address on our front door with a vinyl sticker but because we don't have a covered porch the sun turned it brown and it peeled off... not pretty. So I am hoping this lasts longer.
I used my Silhouette to cut out the numbers but you could print it off your computer and cut them out with an x-acto knife. The font I used was already on my computer, it is Apple Myungjo. You will have to play with the size depending on your door. Mine are about 3 inches tall.
I taped my template to the door and traced it with a pencil. For my numbers 8,9 and 0 I taped the middle piece in place. I used a level to draw a few lines along the bottom to make sure I stayed level, especially since my numbers weren't lined up. Lining up your numbers might be a good idea before you start, I was doing it the hard way.
Here is how it looked traced. In the picture you can really see where the old numbers were, you can hardly tell in person.
I used a white latex paint I had on hand and a very small paint brush. It took two coats and in hind sight I should have made a vinyl template to paint over, it was a little more tedious than I was expecting.
I do love how it looks though, so crisp and white and I love the font. It was worth the effort. But maybe you can learn from my experience and make it easier on yourself.
I love mid summer when my flowers are doing so well!
I hope you are having a wonderful summer. I am trying not to think about the fact that it is half over. It is not easy avoiding all the school supplies in the stores already, I am not ready yet!
Linked up at: Living Well Spending Less, Imparting Grace, Craftberry Bush, Jennifer Rizzo, Remodelaholic, The Dedicated House, Nancherrow