My favorite season pots to do are winter flower pots. I love the look of the evergreens all winter long. They look so festive for Christmas but also work throughout the winter, which is good, because they are so frozen they aren't coming out until springtime. Every year it is always challenging to get them done before the pots freeze solid. I have one by the garage that I can pull in to warm up over night. But the pots on the front porch have no protection and it is best to finish those before the first snow/sleet. I finished mine the day before our first snow/ice storm. No problem!
I think another reason I love doing the winter pots is because they are done right away. Unlike the summer pot that always look small and empty until they grow and fill out the pot, winter pots are done as soon as I fill them.
I had a little extra greenery this year so I kept my copper pots out and filled those too. I like using a variety of different greenery for different colors and texture and I always use some red dogwood sticking up in the back.
Well I attempted to get some night shots of the house with all the lights on. But that was much harder to do than I thought. I also was not that patient since it was -12 degrees with the wind chill the night I shot these pictures. Your hands get cold really fast at that temp. (the window above the door is my sons closet and does not have an outlet, bummer!)
I love the lights in the pots. I have a timer that turns on as soon as it is dusk and off again 6 hours later. I love it, it just does its thing.
Our pots have gathered some snow over that last week or so, I love the look with a little snow mixed in.
Do you do winter pots? What is your favorite pot to fill?
Have a wonderful day and thanks for stopping by!

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