Saturday, June 22, 2013

Ikea Ung Mirror Hack

I have seen the Ikea Ung Mirror all over the blogshere and they always look so cute after a little altering.  I was trying to find a place around my house to put one, then I thought of my daughter.  The minute I showed my daughter the mirror she had to have one. So for her birthday in March her grandparents got her one. And then we had to patiently wait for several months before it was warm enough to spray paint it.

Here is the before:

So my 6 year old daughter and I went shopping looking for the perfect color of spray paint. She picked Krylon Blue Ocean Breeze in a gloss finish. She was dead set on it, but I thought it was a little bright. So we proceeded to go to every store I could think of that carried spray paint trying to find another color she might love. But all she kept saying was "Mom I like the first color". When she makes a decision she sticks to it. Some people might call it stubborn I will just say "strong willed". So Blue Ocean Breeze it is. 

So I took the mirror out of the frame, with my little helper. Just had to bend the clips back and ease the mirror out.  

I took the mirror outside and starting spray painting. And after the second coat dried I started to spray another coat trying to get in all the crevices and the paint just crackled before my eyes. I could have cried, that had never happened to me (the crackle not the crying) and I did not know how to fix it.

I was so sad the mirror sat for a while in my closet because I was not sure how to fix it and the thought of sanding all the little spaces did not sound fun. But my daughter kept asking if her mirror was finished so I did some research online and learned that some dirt may have gotten on the surface and caused it to crackle or it was too warm when I was spray painting and that caused it.
First I got a small piece of sand paper and sanded away the best I could and then I primed the mirror with a rustoleum spray paint and tried again. It was much easier to paint this time around because now it was white from the primer.

My daughter has been so patient because the hubs just hung it today. It has only been three months since her birthday, poor thing. It did turn out really cute though, I even really like the color.

Now she has her own place to put her jewelry on, I just love it.

Has anyone else done an Ikea Hack? They are so much fun!

I am partying over at Seven Thirty ThreeSugar and DotsTwin dragonfly designsGinger Snap Crafts
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