Monday, October 21, 2013

Chalkboard Runner

Well I finally put together a Facebook Page so head on over to check it out! And feel free to "like" it.

I love the look of runners on a table but it always seemed like something else to clean and get spilled on. Plus fabric dangling over the side of the table just seemed too tempting for the kids, I could just see my son thinking it was a handle and give it a good pull. So when I saw this chalkboard runner over at the  Liz Marie Blog I was so inspired. It has been more fun than I even imagined. The kids have loved putting their names at their spot and drawing little pictures. It will be fun for each season to change up the pictures.

DIY chalkboard runner  the colored door

It was really easy to make. I popped into the Home Depot and found a board 9" by 6' and had them cut it in half. (I have plans for the other half) The cost was $4.15, I think.

DIY chalkboard runner

I put two coats of chalk paint on the board and added felt pads to the bottom to protect the table. Then brought out the chalk and the kids went to town.

DIY chalkboard runner

My daughter recently learned to make stars so they are on everything she draws. I love it!

DIY chalkboard runner

I love this for fall and it will be so easy to change the fillers for Christmas as well as other holidays.

DIY chalkboard runner

Not bad for a little over $2. I just can't get enough chalkboards lately.

DIY chalkboard runner - the colored door

It is supposed to get cold and windy this week and we might see snow flurries tomorrow. I swear it was just 70 degrees. I am not ready for such cold weather. I hope you are having warmer weather.

Have a wonderful day!

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