Tuesday, July 29, 2014

1st Day of School Banners

I don't mean to talk about school yet, because I know I am not ready yet. And my kids are definitely not ready yet! I was lucky I could get these pictures, it took some serious bribery and backpacks were out of the question. So I will consider myself lucky to have gotten these. But school will be here before we know it and I find I do better if I am prepared. So I am starting with something fun...pictures!

1st day of school banner | The Colored Door

I love how these banners turned out! They are so simple and fun and could be used on the first day of school or a few days before since the first day can be so hectic.

1st Day of school Banner | The colored door

I used my silhouette to cut out the letters and numbers but with some patience you could print them on card stock and cut them out with an x-acto knife.

1st Day of School Banner | The colored door

1st Day of School | The Colored  Door

The wind can be an issue so depending on where you live, indoor pictures might be best.

1st Day of School Banners | The Colored Door

I can't believe my youngest is going to kindergarten. I am not sure how we (her and I) are going to adjust to this. I think it would be easier if she was excited about going.

1st Day of School Banners | The colored door

1st Day of School Banners | The colored door

1st Day of school banners | The colored door

I have these banners for sale in my Etsy shop, you pick the color and grade. Are you getting ready for school yet? How do you start? I have to remember we still have a month left and that is a long time so it is best to enjoy it.

Sharing over at: Craftberry BushJennifer RizzoLiving well spending lessRemodelaholicNancherrow
Thursday, July 24, 2014

Painted Address Numbers

Our summer is flying by and I have not done a lot of projects around here, and I feel like I have been busy too. It is so much harder keeping up with the house when 3 three kids are constantly destroying it. Plus it is way more fun to play outside or go to the pool than clean and do laundry. I am sure it will all get done in September, right?

One project I did get done was my front door address. A few years ago I put our address on our front door with a vinyl sticker but because we don't have a covered porch the sun turned it brown and it peeled off... not pretty. So I am hoping this lasts longer.

Painted Address \ The Colored Door

I used my Silhouette to cut out the numbers but you could print it off your computer and cut them out with an x-acto knife. The font I used was already on my computer, it is Apple Myungjo. You will have to play with the size depending on your door. Mine are about 3 inches tall.

I taped my template to the door and traced it with a pencil. For my numbers 8,9 and 0 I taped the middle piece in place. I used a level to draw a few lines along the bottom to make sure I stayed level, especially since my numbers weren't lined up. Lining up your numbers might be a good idea before you start, I was doing it the hard way.

Painted address on door | the colored door

Here is how it looked traced. In the picture you can really see where the old numbers were, you can hardly tell in person.

Painted address on door \ the colored door

I used a white latex paint I had on hand and a very small paint brush. It took two coats and in hind sight I should have made a vinyl template to paint over, it was a little more tedious than I was expecting.

Painted address on door \ the colored door

I do love how it looks though, so crisp and white and I love the font. It was worth the effort. But maybe you can learn from my experience and make it easier on yourself.

Painted address on door \ the colored door

Painted address on door \ the colored door

I love mid summer when my flowers are doing so well!

Painted address on door \ the colored door

I hope you are having a wonderful summer. I am trying not to think about the fact that it is half over. It is not easy avoiding all the school supplies in the stores already, I am not ready yet!

Linked up at: Living Well Spending LessImparting GraceCraftberry BushJennifer RizzoRemodelaholicThe Dedicated HouseNancherrow
Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Blog Hobnob Linkup ~ July

Well, July is here and it sure came fast! The first of the month also means I get to co-host a super fun Blog Hop again! So link up and have fun!!

Welcome to the July Edition of my New Linkup~

The Blog Hobnob stars
The Blog Hobnob, formally known as Blog Hop Social. Kim decided to make some changes to how the old Linky worked. Here are the new guidelines. This Blog Hop is a Meet & Greet where you can connect and network with other bloggers in various genres! Link up below and check out other blogs, follow them on social media and leave a nice comment! Super easy to make new friends!
This is a monthly Link Up. It will start on the first day of the month and will stay open until the last day of the month. So stop back by and check out who's new each week!
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July Hobnob Co-Hosts
star banner
Here's how to join:
Link up ONLY your HOMEPAGE
Do not a link to a post. This is not a Post Linky Party.
{All other Links will be deleted}
Follow me and my Co-Hosts via Social Media and/or blog!
Be Sweet and share the party!

Want to host the party on your blog?

Then grab the code in link below~

Add her party button, make a new post on your blog and share the party! Super Easy!
[inlinkz_linkup id=419904 mode=1]
Share the Hobnob Love!~
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