
Monday, January 6, 2014

5 Favorite Posts of 2013

I don't know about you but I have had a hard time getting back into the swing of things this year. I have enjoyed lots of lazy time with the family and it has been really nice. The tree finally came down on Saturday which feels so good. The family room seems so big now, and no more needles everywhere! It is good to have the tree but it is also good to get rid of it.

My kids don't have school today because of the cold. It is supposed to be -50 wind chill!! How is that even possible? I think I might go outside just to see what that feels like. We have lived in Wisconsin for 6 years now and it has never been that cold!! I am going to need to find some indoor activities so the kids can burn off some energy. I hope the weather is warmer where you are.

Well, I put together 5 favorite of posts of 2013. I have only been blogging since April so it is not a full year but still fun to look back. I hope you enjoy.

5 favorite posts of 2013 - the colored door

Here we go...

favorite posts of 2013 - the colored door

I have used this Ikea Lazy Susan a lot. It is great for summer entertaining!

favorite posts of 2013 - the colored door

I still love my chevron canvas. It is still on my mantle and seems to work with every theme so far.

favorite posts of 2013 -  the colored door

The no sew roman blinds have worked out great. I have plans for a few more in my house. Click over to get the tutorial.

favorite posts of 2013 - the colored door

I still love this chalkboard runner! It is perfect for every occasion and great fun for the kids to be creative.

favorite posts of 2013 - the colored door

And for my most viewed post of the year! The vintage Christmas trees! Which also was the easiest project I did. Just pour epson salt into blue glass jars and add some little trees, doesn't get much easier than that!

It has been an amazing year! I love this new blogging thing, I just might be addicted. I have so many fun projects planned for 2014, I look forward to documenting it all. I hope you will join me.

Have a wonderful day and please stay warm!

1 comment:

  1. I love your favorite posts! Thanks so much for sharing at this week's Project Inspire{d}. Pinning a few! Have a lovely week.
