Tuesday, October 1, 2013

A Touch of Gold

I am loving all the touches of gold I see in peoples homes. I have to admit though only a few years ago I was still so anti gold and brass, I could not imagine ever liking it again. Well, I like it again and I had to have a little gold in my house too.  We are starting small here and we will see where it goes.

Here is how my little candle holder, I found on clearance, started out.

gold candle holder

I found this cute little can of spray paint called Gold Leaf.

Gold candle holder

And a few coats of spray paint later I have a touch of gold in my house.
I love it! The shape is fun all by itself but the gold makes it look classy. Such an easy and inexpensive transformation.

Gold candle holder

Do you have any gold in your house? Hope you are having a wonderful week.

Linked up over at: Thrifty Decor Chick
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